Instrument Integrations

An all-in-one secure system that minimize turnaround time and minimizes errors putting the Pet Parent Portal first

The sheer volume seen with Infectious Disease has forced labs to rethink the typical accessioning workflow and environment. Moreover, additional data elements are required for collection and reporting resulting in human resources being stretched to keep up.

Secure, Modern Instrument Integration

Seamlessly communicate with your doctors.

Registration by Pet Parent

By allowing the Pet Parent Portal to register prior to collection, our system ensures a safe and accurate retrieval of data

Speedy Collection
Accessioning upon collection of sample takes seconds using quick-read barcode technology
Immediate Testing

Once the sample is received, it is ready for testing. No need to wait for data entry before hitting the bench.

State-of-the-Art Security

Provides results directed to the Pet Parent Portal and provider while meeting all HIPAA Privacy and Security regulations

Results on Your Time

Results sent via email and/or text with the ability to print a copy directly through the portal

Full-Loop Communication

Direct results to the provider automatically for follow up and medical record updates

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